Kitchen Herbalism is a beautiful practice of self reliance and trust in the natural world. It is an easy and accessible way to change the health of the next generation. Food is medicine... and our kitchen needs to be a place of healing. -Jess

JKB History

Jess Bergeron is a mother, folk herbalist, educator, and nature enthusiast dedicated to sharing the wisdom of plant medicine. With a passion for holistic health and wellness, Jess has spent years studying the ancient art of herbalism, honing her skills in botany, phytotherapy, and natural remedies.

Jess offers empowering educational resources to guide individuals on their journey towards vibrant health and connection with nature. Her approach is rooted in traditional herbalism combined with modern research, and a deep respect for the natural world.

Jess's mission is to inspire others to embrace the healing power of plants, and to cultivate a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living things. Follow her on Instagram @jkb.journal for herbal wisdom, plant stories, and recipes.